"The mind that perceives the limitation is the limitation." ( Buddha )
Your own custom subliminal video made to order
Your mind will create and manifest according to the images you habitually think about in your daily thinking. This is how your destiny is created.
It is recognized by science that your conscious mind uses only one tenth of your mental power.
The vast majority of the mental processes going on in the mind are happening at a subconscious level, below your level of conscious awareness.
Nine tenths of all the activity going on in your mind, is occurring at a subconscious level.
Your Subconscious Mind is nine tenths of your mind, and is therefore nine times more powerful than you, the conscious mind, and hence we say that your Subconscious Mind is nine times cleverer than you.
If the subconscious mind is so powerful, and is determining, behind the scenes, how so much of our life plays out, according to old blueprints it has had lying around, usually since childhood, doesn't it make sense to re-write those old blueprints and bring them up to date with your current, adult life, goals? Of course it does.
We reveal now the most effective way to overwrite those old subconscious scripts and get our powerful subconscious minds going in the direction of the goals we have set ourselves.
There is an amazing new technology out there, which is used by many of today's outstanding self made men and women – business successes, athletes, creative people. This science is called Subliminal Programming, and is so powerful, the effects on the Subconscious Mind are so compelling, that it has been banned for commercial advertising purposes in many countries around the world.
Even though this technology is banned for commercial advertising use, it has been used effectively in political campaigns.
The good news is that we can use this technology on ourselves, to re-program and re-wire our subconscious minds, with our new goals and aims, and replace the old worn-out obsolete patterns that have been there since childhood.
By using this technique for as little as 5 minutes per day, you can completely rewire and reformat your neural networks and the neural connections in your brain, so that you are COMPELLED to find success and ACHIEVE outstanding success, IN YOUR OWN TERMS!
The subconscious mind is such an amazing, wonderful computer, that truly, we do not know the limits of its power. It works continuously 24 hours a day, never sleeping, never resting, alert and conscious of what is going on in our environment, always ready to protect us and help us.
Although we call this part of the mind the ‘subconscious', sometimes it is mistakenly assumed that subconscious means ‘unconscious' and that this part of our mind is sleeping and not actually conscious. But of course it is conscious, but in a different way. If it was not conscious it would not be able to react instantly and immediately to threats suddenly occurring in our environment. It is indeed the subconscious mind that fires off the adrenal glands, filling us with adrenaline to give us a ‘kick' of power and strength when threatened by danger. It is our subconscious mind that, through intuition, and ‘hunches', warns us of danger and ominous events. It is the subconscious mind that is constantly working, assessing, modifying, correcting.
It causes our diaphragm to move up and down, and our lungs to suck in air. It is the subconscious mind that is causing our heart to beat. It is the subconscious mind that send chemicals to our skin when we have been cut, sending white blood cells to fight intruding organisms, sending coagulant chemicals to seal the wound, and a host of other myriad processes to kick into action, in response to the external event. It is the subconscious mind which causes the chemicals to be secreted in our stomachs, and that controls the process of digestion and assimilation.
In fact , because its intelligence is hidden from us, and it functions in the background, we may go through life without being aware that in the background there is this huge powerhouse, this giant colossal computer operating, controlling all the processes of our bodies, and also operating behind the conscious processes of our minds. However, it is always there, humming away in the background, like some colossal, megalithic, gargantuan, multi-million pound supercomputer
The problem is that we have never been taught how to use it, or to utilize its vast unlimited reserves of power, to help us achieve our goals. We have not been taught how to contact it, or to talk to it, to communicate our goals and our needs to it, so that it can process them and deliver plans and ways and means to achieve our goals, to us.
The new technology we are using, is completely and absolutely safe. It is immediate and startling in its efficacy, and starts to work immediately, straight away, to cause changes in the subconscious mind.
It is different , because images and suggestions are flashed too quickly for the conscious mind to be able to read and understand their message.
However the subconscious mind is able to recognize and identify and act upon the suggestions, messages and images that it sees. Because the conscious mind is effectively kept out of the loop, as the messages are too quick for it to interpret, or block, or ‘filter' then the suggestions go straight deep down into the subconscious mind, and deep into its fabric and structure.
Subliminal programming then, is a very effective new breakthrough tool, for influencing and effecting change in the subconscious mind.
What I offer is a custom built movie, with YOUR own personal affirmations and suggestions and goals built in, so that you are not wasting time being programmed with the wrong, or nonsense suggestions, or being led off track by getting suggestions that do not fit your own goals.
Therefore I decided to offer a custom service, where you get the goals, and suggestions, and even images, that YOU yourself want and choose. I think this is a MUCH BETTER approach, truly, and is the most effective way to get the results that YOU DESIRE.
What you get from me, is a 10 to 30 minutes, custom made subliminal movie, with your own suggestions and affirmations randomly embedded on the screen, and images of your choice that relate to your own goals and aims.
As regards artwork, you can e-mail me any pictures that you would like included in your movies. I would very strongly recommend that you send me your own photo/picture (in digital format as jpg file), so that this can be used in the movie, especially right at the beginning. The reason that this is so important, is so that your own subconscious mind can clearly see that these subliminal messages, suggestions and images that are being flashed before it, relate clearly to YOU, and are associated definitely with YOU , and so it knows then that these are changes that you want to make to "you".
With this new Subliminal Programming tool, you will begin to:
Start re-wiring and building new neural connections so that your brain is WIRED towards achieving your goals.
Communicate your goals DIRECTLY and DEEPLY into your subconscious mind.
Increase your levels of motivation and energy towards achieving your goals.
Eliminate unhelpful and unproductive behaviors which are obstacles in the path to goal achievement.
Realize , and BELIEVE , and FEEL , that you can now achieve these long dreamed of Goals.
Be focused on achieving your goals, as you may never have been focused before. Feel your CONFIDENCE in your abilities growing.
What you will get is:
A Custom Subliminal Programming movie, starting on 10 minutes in length, which you MUST watch every day - ideally, once in the morning and once in the evening. Once you have ordered this custom product, it will take around a week to produce, and you will then be able to download it online, from a link sent to your email address.
This movie will have affirmations and suggestions of your own choice, built into it, to flash subliminally throughout the movie. The movie can also have images of your choice, as well as ideally, and highly recommended, your own picture, or even variety of pictures (enjoying yourself with friends, or having fun while out socially), which can then also be ‘built in' to the movie, personalizing it, and making it unique to you.